Share data and generate reports easily and efficiently with secure access controls.
Create and pin filters for assets, runs, and annotations, and report on the status of test campaigns.
Control who can access specific assets or processes internally and externally.
Organize groupings of rules with associated vehicle data, and comment, pass, or fail annotations within the report interface.
Share and export reports for easy distribution.
Sift Observability Platform
Missions are complex. Reviewing machine data should be simple.
Scale both the number and complexity of your machines without worrying about ingestion rates.
Query a backend that's purpose-built for long duration, high cardinality searches. Add granular retention policies to save only the data you need.
Explore, share, and collaborate with your team — no Python scripts or SQL queries needed. Unify all your data sources in a single window.
Automatically review simulation, testbed, and operational data. Ingrain your expertise in rules that flag anomalies real-time.
With one-click, generate certification reports for stakeholders. Provide precise access to your data with Role-Based Access Controls.
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