Sift Features
Sift equips engineers with real-time insights to accelerate development, streamline data review, and ensure reliable machine performance.

Add Comments to Annotations

You can add comments to annotations, which will appear in the annotation log alongside key events like creation and status changes. When comments are added, the assigned person will receive a notification, ensuring clear communication.
Advanced Annotation Search and Filtering

Search annotations by rules, assigned user, or description. You can also filter annotations by time, displaying either all annotations or only those visible within the current time-series view. This improves focus and efficiency when analyzing specific data points.
Annotation Details Panel for Precision

The annotation detail panel allows you to filter annotations by type—data review or phase. You can switch between tabs for better precision when filtering, making it easier to manage large sets of annotations.
Annotation Email Notifications

Get email notifications when you’re tagged in an annotation comment, assigned an annotation, or when the status of an assigned annotation changes. To prevent inbox overload, notifications are batched and sent every five minutes when updates occur.
Asset agnostic rules

Write one check and have it automatically applied to all applicable assets, ensuring standard analysis and minimizing duplicated logic.
Assets and Channels Selection

Select assets and channels for plotting by using advanced search features such as case matching and regular expressions, enabling precise and flexible channel selection.
Attach Files to Runs, Annotations, and Comments

Upload an unlimited number of files to Runs, Annotations, and Comments. Sift supports a variety of formats for images (.png, .jpg, .jpeg) and videos (.mp4, .webm), ensuring that you can include all necessary context for data reviews and collaboration.
Automate CSV Uploads with the API

Sift’s API allows for automating CSV uploads, making it easier for teams handling large volumes of data or requiring regular updates. This improves efficiency and ensures consistent data ingestion.
Automated Rule-Based Annotations

Set up rules to automatically generate annotations, choosing between review annotations for data review or phase annotations for event context. Assign default team members for rule failures to ensure prompt action.
Automatically Add Users to Your Organization

Users with your domain are automatically added to your organization upon signing up, simplifying internal user management and ensuring quick onboarding.
Axis & Search

Plot multiple axis and search your data directly, without needing Python scripts or SQL queries. This feature lets you quickly analyze and compare data across different channels.
Build Multi-Channel Rules for Complex Monitoring

Create multi-channel rules to model relationships between multiple data channels or assets. Use conditional logic to manage edge cases, enhancing the precision of your monitoring for complex behaviors, such as vehicle systems.
Bulk Rule Creation, Editing, Configs and Logic Checks

Easily create or update multiple rules at once, using logic like 'never decreases' or 'always increases' to streamline bulk rule editing and ensure consistent monitoring.
Channel Time Alignment

Apply time offsets to channels from an asset to ensure that timestamps are properly aligned across different assets. This feature improves the accuracy of data comparisons and analysis by correcting time discrepancies between data sources.
Channel Versions

When you modify a channel’s data type, units, or description, a new version is automatically created. This feature allows you to view and plot different versions of a channel, ensuring data integrity and providing a clear history of changes over time.

Charting templates across Fast Fourier Transform, Scatterplot, Histogram, Geo Maps. Increasing the library of charting types including more advanced charts like FFT that have industry specific needs across aerospace, manufacturing, robotics.
Collaborate with Sharelinks and Annotations

Use sharelinks and annotations to share insights, data, and analyses with your team. This makes collaboration easier, allowing everyone to access the same data and work together efficiently.
Comparative Viewing

Overlay of multiple data sets from multiple different tests and toggle the visibility of an entire axis.
Configurable Rule-Generated Annotations

You can configure the type and initial state of annotations generated by rules, selecting either review annotations for data review or phase annotations for marking events. You can also assign default team members for rule failures, ensuring the right person is notified immediately.
Control Access with Group-Specific Asset Permissions

Restrict user groups to view data from specific assets, giving you finer control over who can access particular data sets within your organization.
Control Storage with Asset-Level Retention and Downsampling
Fine-tune your storage costs by deciding which telemetry data to retain and for how long. This feature gives you the flexibility to manage data retention based on your needs, helping you control costs without sacrificing important data.
Create Custom Ad-Hoc Dashboards

Easily create and pin filters for assets, runs, and annotations, giving you full control over your data dashboards. This allows you to monitor and report on test campaigns in real time, helping you stay on top of critical metrics without needing to build complex reports from scratch.
Create Custom Visualizations with API-Generated URLs

Sift’s API allows you to programmatically generate URLs with custom visualizations based on Asset, Run, and Channel parameters. These URLs can be shared with team members for a more streamlined and collaborative data analysis process.
Create Report Templates for repeatable analysis

Create logical groupings of rules and apply them as a set to your runs of telemetry to ensure consistent analysis at scale, while maintaining fine-grained control of exactly what Rules need to be evaluated on all telemetry.
Create Unlimited User Groups

Create as many user groups as needed to tailor access control to specific teams, roles, or external collaborators, giving you complete flexibility in managing user permissions.
Customize General and Channel Configuration

You have full control over data ingestion with options to configure assets, run names, timestamp columns, and the first data row. Customize your channel inclusion or exclusion, with auto-detection for channel names, data types, and units.
Data Formats Supported

CSV, TDMS are the main data formats which apply across industry standards.
Databases we can mirror/ingest

Sift can mirror or ingest the following: Azimuth ingestion format, Protobufs, Influx Line Protocol, MQTT.
Deactivate Users to Maintain Security

Quickly deactivate users via the interface or API when team members leave or change roles, ensuring that only authorized users retain access to your data.
Define Visualizations

Define custom pre-determined visualizations with enhanced search capabilities, including case matching and regex-enabled options similar to channel search. This simplifies finding and managing saved views for faster access to relevant data.
Different Annotation Types for Flexible Review

Sift supports two annotation types: Data Review annotations and Phase annotations. Data Review annotations are linked to channels and can be assigned statuses such as Open, Flagged, or Resolved. Phase annotations mark events or sequences without needing a status and display separately from the data, allowing you to keep them distinct.
Distribute and Share Reports Easily

Share and export reports with colleagues or external partners for easy distribution. This feature simplifies collaboration, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to the latest data and insights without complicated file-sharing processes.
Easily Upload CSV Files

Upload CSV files directly from the Sift UI using simple options like a button on the overview page or the ‘Advanced’ dropdown menu. Flexible configurations for assets, runs, and timestamps make it easy to ingest data with minimal effort.
Ensure Data Quality with Validation

Maintain high data quality with built-in validation checks and error detection algorithms. This ensures the reliability of the data being analyzed, helping you avoid incorrect conclusions.
Flexible CSV File Formatting

Sift supports 12 different timestamp formats, offering flexibility for various data formats. Channels are automatically detected from CSV columns, reducing manual setup time and ensuring a smoother data upload experience.
Flexible Expression Language

The expression language for Calculated Channels supports static scalar values, arithmetic, comparisons, logical operators, and nearly 30 math and string functions. You can reference multiple channels, and once created, Calculated Channels behave like any other channel—shareable via links, exportable to CSV, and linkable to annotations for comprehensive data analysis.
Flexible and Scalable Data Ingestion
Stream byte-optimized protobufs, schemaless data, or Influx Line Protocol directly to Sift. The horizontally scalable system supports multiple telemetry channels and assets for real-time data ingestion at high rates, over 10kHz sampling.
Generate Shareable Links

Easily generate shareable links to provide access to data, visualizations, and annotations. You can customize access settings to control what others can view or interact with, making it simple to collaborate with colleagues.
Integrate with Grafana for Dashboard Workflows

Leverage Sift’s Grafana plugin to seamlessly integrate with dashboard-based workflows. Use ‘Freeform Text Queries’ to specify Asset Name, Channel Component, and Channel Name, giving you greater control and precision in retrieving data from Sift’s optimized storage layer.
Interactive Data Visualization

Quickly explore and visualize high-cardinality data using a simple interface. This feature allows you to interact with your data easily, view anomalies with codified rules, helping them spot trends and issues without needing advanced tools or programming skills.
Invite External Users for Collaboration

Easily invite external users to share data and collaborate. Assign them to specific user groups to control their access and actions, ensuring external users have the right permissions.
LabView Integration

Labview - Real time monitoring of NI hardware. Stream raw data from Labview into Sift with a dedicated plugin.
Leverage Open-Source Interoperable File Formats
Connect other tools to Sift’s backend using open-source file formats. This enables seamless integration with your AI/ML models or existing workflows, ensuring that your data remains accessible and useful across multiple platforms.
Leverage Stateful Functions for Advanced Time Series Analysis

Track data across multiple rows using stateful functions, enabling advanced operations like rolling averages, persistence checks, and rate of change calculations. Integrated with the rules engine, these functions provide real-time evaluations to help you monitor data more proactively.
Live Data Visualization

Visualize real-time data with pre-configured plots for common metrics. This feature helps you monitor live streams of data quickly, without needing to manually set up plots, making it easier to evaluate real-time data.
Live Mode Updates

Stay focused on real-time data with seamless zoom functionality. Even when live updates are on, you can zoom and pan without losing sight of the most recent data, ensuring you always have the latest insights at your fingertips. Live updates automatically pause when zooming into short intervals, letting you dive deeper without interruptions.
Log Viewer for Detailed Analysis

Log channels are consolidated into a chronological Log Viewer, which highlights log lines that violated a rule. You can expand above and below these log lines to view the context, and apply filters with case sensitivity and regex for more detailed analysis. You can also toggle individual log channels on or off for easier viewing.
Manage API Access with API Keys

You can use API keys to make requests to Sift’s API, and they inherit the same permissions as your user account. API keys do not expire and can be easily managed by admins, who can create keys on behalf of other users. This provides flexibility and security when automating data access or integrating with external systems.
Manage Runs with Precision

Runs capture discrete periods of data from assets. Create new runs from existing data by selecting an asset or run, plotting channels, and generating a new run for specific data sets.
Manage User Groups with Flexible Search

Add or remove users from groups with advanced search options, including multiple words, case matching, or regex. This makes managing large teams easier and more efficient.
Migrate Bulk Data

Effortlessly migrate historical telemetry data into Sift for analysis and visualization, ensuring you can work with past and present data within the same platform.
Optimize High-Cardinality Queries

Request data from dozens of telemetry channels without experiencing performance degradation. This optimization ensures that you can efficiently handle large data sets in real time, improving both speed and responsiveness during data analysis.
Organize and Review Data with Report for Data Review
Group rules and vehicle data together and efficiently comment, pass, or fail annotations within the report interface. This organized approach helps you stay on top of data review tasks, improving the speed and accuracy of your reporting workflows.
Perform Advanced Analysis with Stateful Transformations

Calculated channels support a suite of stateful transformations, enabling more advanced analysis. Perform aggregations on moving windows of data with functions like avg, min, max, stdev, and all. Configure rolling windows up to 10 minutes and reference preceding values using special functions like previous, delta, and deriv.
Perform Aggregations with Expanded Functions

Unlock greater flexibility with aggregation functions for windowed aggregations, including median, sum, count, first, last, and any. These expanded options enhance data analysis and insight generation.
Persistence Operator for Accurate Monitoring

Ensure rule violations are triggered only when conditions are true for a specified duration. This operator prevents false alerts by validating conditions over time, even in cases where data might be missing.
Pin your Views

Users can pin their favorite views for quick and easy access, ensuring that frequently used visualizations are always readily available. This feature enhances efficiency by reducing the time spent searching for commonly used views, streamlining data review and analysis.
Rule preview

Before saving an update to a Rule, preview how the expression would have evaluated over all relevant runs. This feature allows you to make any adjustments to a rule before applying it across the wider teams.
Search and Filter Annotations

Easily search, filter, and select annotations through the annotation details tab. Phase annotations remain visible on the chart by default, and you can filter by time or annotation type for a more precise review.
Search and Filter Runs with Advanced Features

Search for runs using the date-time selector, which supports multi-word search, case matching, and regular expressions. Easily locate specific runs by name or description, improving data navigation and management.
Set Role-Based Access Controls

Assign one of four predefined roles—Admin, Collaborator, Editor, Viewer—to control user access levels, ensuring the right permissions for time series data and metadata.
Set Rules for String Enums

You can set rules based on string values of enums, allowing the numeric values to change over time without disrupting automated data reviews. This helps maintain accurate monitoring even as values evolve.
Stream Data in Real-Time

Stream data into Sift via the Python Client Library for real-time ingestion. Sift also supports Protobufs and gRPC, enabling structured, efficient data streaming for ongoing data feeds and more advanced use cases.
Support for Multiple Hardware Data Types

Sift supports a variety of hardware data types, including primitives, strings, enums, and bitfields. This allows you to send and process data from a wide range of sources, ensuring compatibility with your existing infrastructure and devices.
Surface Anomalies in Real-Time

Monitor your data in real-time and identify unusual patterns or outliers as soon as they occur, helping you catch issues early.
Track Data with Data-Review Annotations

Data-review annotations help you track and review specific data linked to channels within a run or asset. You can assign statuses like Open, Flagged, or Resolved, streamlining the process of managing and reviewing data.
Transform Data Directly in the Browser

Skip the hassle of exporting data for analysis with Calculated Channels, which allow you to transform and plot your data directly in the browser using a flexible expression language. Create a Calculated Channel - A channel generates time series data, whether it’s from a physical sensor or a simulated one - assign a custom name and units, and streamline your data analysis within Sift. Calculated channels support filtering, allowing you to evaluate expressions or filter data points based on specific conditions.
Unified Visualization

View and analyze data in line with time series data for a comprehensive display. This feature gives you a clear, unified view of your data over time, improving query performance and making it easier to track trends and analyze data across multiple sources.
Use Conditional Logic Across Channels

Calculated channels let you derive telemetry data using conditional logic across multiple channels. This feature enables more precise control over your data calculations and comparisons.
Use Phases to Label Data Periods

Phases are a type of annotation designed to label specific periods within your data. They appear as persistent labels at the top of the plot and don’t carry a status, making them ideal for marking significant events or sequences during data analysis.
Use Sift Query Variable for Easy Asset Selection

Simplify asset filtering in dashboards with a Sift Query Variable, which provides a convenient dropdown for selecting assets. This makes it easier to customize and interact with dashboard data, ensuring you can quickly access the information that matters most.
Use the Reports Chart for Multi-Channel Data Review

The Reports Chart is designed specifically for data review, allowing you to view multi-channel data in strip charts or combined charts, similar to the Explore view. This flexibility gives you a clear and comprehensive look at the data, making it easier to disposition annotations and make informed decisions.
Version Controlled Rules

Track changes to the automated checks that run over your telemetry data.

Support of .mp4 and .avi video file attachments. Files can be uploaded to Runs, Annotations, and Comments.
View Rule Instances in Detailed Reports

The Rule Instance section on the Reports page gives you a comprehensive view of each rule, including metadata, violated annotations, related channel data, and logs. You can easily manage annotations in bulk or individually and jump directly to the Explore view for deeper analysis, streamlining the process of reviewing rule violations.